- Lecture for Week 1, Organizing and IO: Section 1 to 2.2 (01/07/22) - Working Directory
- Lecture for Week 1, Organizing and IO: Section 2.3 to 2.4 (01/07/22) - File Paths and Navigating
- Lecture for Week 1, Organizing and IO: Section 2.5 to 2.4 (01/07/22) - Example Project Directory
- Lecture for Week 1, Organizing and IO: Section 3 (01/07/22) - Organizing R Script
- Lecture for Week 1, Organizing and IO: Section 4 (01/07/22) - Downloading and Unzipping
- Lecture for Week 1, Organizing and IO: Section 5 (01/07/22) - Readr Package
- Lecture for Week 1, Organizing and IO: Section 6 (01/07/22) - Readxl Package
- Lecture for Week 1, Organizing and IO: Section 7 (01/07/22) - Haven Package
- Lecture for Week 1, Organizing and IO: Section 8 (01/07/22) - Saving and Loading R Objects
- Lecture for Week 2, Organizing and IO: Sections 1-4 (01/15/21) - Organizing & Reading/Writing data
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 1 (01/14/22) - Introduction
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 2 (01/14/22) - Concepts
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 3.1 (01/14/22) - ggplot() and aes() functions
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 3.2 (01/14/22) - Adding geometric layers
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 3.3 (01/14/22) - Small multiples using faceting
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 4.1 (01/14/22) - Labels
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 4.2 (01/14/22) - Scales
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 4.3 (01/14/22) - Colors
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 4.4 (01/14/22) - Themes
- Lecture for Week 2, Visualizations using ggplot: Section 5 (01/14/22) - Exporting plots
- Introduction:
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 1.1 to 1.2 (01/21/22)
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 1.3 to 1.4 (01/21/22)
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 1.4 to 1.5 (01/21/22)
- Command Line:
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 2.1 (01/21/22)
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 2.2 (01/21/22)
- Overview of core concepts and workflow:
- Getting started: Git Repository:
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 4.1 (01/21/22)
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 4.2 (01/21/22)
- Git commands: Observing your repository:
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 5.1 (01/21/22)
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 5.2 (01/21/22)
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub: Section 5.3 (01/21/22)
- Git:Under the hood:
- Lecture for Week 4, Git and GitHub: Section 6.1 (01/28/22)
- Lecture for Week 4, Git and GitHub: Section 6.2.1 (01/28/22)
- Lecture for Week 4, Git and GitHub: Section 6.2.2 (01/28/22)
- Lecture for Week 4, Git and GitHub: Section 6.2.3 (01/28/22)
- Lecture for Week 4, Git and GitHub: Section 6.2.4 (01/28/22)
- Lecture for Week 4, Git and GitHub: Section 6.2.5 (01/28/22)
- Lecture for Week 4, Git and GitHub: Section 6.3 (01/28/22)
- Lecture for Week 4, Git and GitHub: Section 6.4 (01/28/22)
- Git Commands:Undoing changes:
- Branching:
- For Section 8: Branching, see 2021 video
- Merging:
- For Section 9: Merging, see 2021 video
- Appendix:
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub (01/22/21) - Overview
- Lecture for Week 3, Git and GitHub (01/22/21) - Git walkthrough
- Lecture for Week 4, Git and GitHub (01/29/21) - Section 7: Undoing changes
- Lecture for Week 5, Git and GitHub (02/05/21) - Section 8: Branching
- Lecture for Week 5, Git and GitHub (02/05/21) - Section 9: Merging
- Lecture for Week 5, Git and GitHub (02/05/21) - Resolving merge conflicts
- Lecture for Week 8, Programming (02/25/22) - Section 5.1 to 5.3.1: Functions
- Lecture for Week 8, Programming (02/25/22) - Section 5.3.2:Dot-dot-dot
- Lecture for Week 8, Programming (02/25/22) - Section 5.3.3:Checking Values
- Lecture for Week 8, Programming (02/25/22) - Section 5.4.1: Return Values
- Lecture for Week 8, Programming (02/25/22) - Section 5.4.2 to 5.4.3: Return Values
- Lecture for Week 8, Programming (02/25/22) - Section 5.4.4: Return Values
- Lecture for Week 6, Programming (02/12/21) - Section 1: Introduction
- Lecture for Week 6, Programming (02/12/21) - Section 3: Iteration 3.1-3.3
- Lecture for Week 6, Programming (02/12/21) - Section 3: Iteration 3.4-3.5
- Lecture for Week 7, Programming (02/19/21) - Problem set 7 overview
- Lecture for Week 7, Programming (02/19/21) - Section 4: Conditional execution
- Lecture for Week 7, Programming (02/19/21) - Section 5: Functions 5.1-5.2
- Lecture for Week 8, Programming (02/26/21) - Section 5: Functions 5.3-5.4
- Lecture for Week 9, Strings and Regex (03/04/22) - Section 1: Introduction
- Lecture for Week 9, Strings and Regex (03/04/22) - Section 2.1 Str_view() and Str_view_all()
- Lecture for Week 9, Strings and Regex (03/04/22) - Section 2.2 and 2.3: Special Characters
- Lecture for Week 9, Strings and Regex (03/04/22) - Section 3: Regular Expression Basics
- Lecture for Week 9, Strings and Regex (03/04/22) - Section 3: Regular Expression Basics Cont.
- For sections 3.2-3.5, see 2021 videos below
- Lecture for Week 10, Strings and Regex (03/11/22) - Section 4.0.1: Application for Webscraping
- Lecture for Week 10, Strings and Regex (03/11/22) - Section 4.1: Stringr Package Overview
- Lecture for Week 10, Strings and Regex (03/11/22) - Section 4.2 to 4.4: Str_detect(), Str_subset(), Str_Extract()
- Lecture for Week 9, Strings and regex (03/05/21) - Section 1 & 2 - : Introduction and Prerequisites
- Lecture for Week 9, Strings and regex (03/05/21) - Section 3: Regex basics 3.1-3.3
- Lecture for Week 9, Strings and regex (03/05/21) - Section 3: Regex basics 3.4-3.5
- Lecture for Week 10, Strings and regex (03/12/21) - Section 4: Regex with stringr functions
- Lecture for Week 10, Strings and regex (03/12/21) - R learning next steps & resources