Attributes and Class

1 Introduction

1.1 Libraries we will use

Load the packages we will use by running this code chunk:


If package not yet installed, then must install before you load. Install in “console” rather than .Rmd file:

  • Generic syntax: install.packages("package_name")
  • Install “tidyverse”: install.packages("tidyverse")

Note: When we load package, name of package is not in quotes; but when we install package, name of package is in quotes:

  • install.packages("tidyverse")
  • library(tidyverse)

1.2 Dataset we will use

Recall from Into the tidyverse lecture, we used the data set wwlist. This data set represents “prospects” purchased by Western Washington U.

  • Essentially, universities identify/target “prospect” by buying student lists from College Board/ACT (e.g., $.50+ per prospect).
  • Data universities purchase on students includes their contact info (e.g., address, email), academics (e.g., GPA, AP coursework), socioeconomic and demographic characteristics.
  • Universities choose which prospective students’ information to purchase by filtering on criteria like their zip code, GPA, test score range, etc.
rm(list = ls()) # remove all objects


2 Attributes and augmented vectors

2.1 Review data structures: Vectors

Two types of vectors:

  1. Atomic vectors
  2. Lists

Overview of data structures (Grolemund and Wickham, 2018)

2.1.1 Atomic vectors

An atomic vector is a collection of values

  • Each value in an atomic vector is an element
  • All elements within vector must have the same data type
(a <- c(1,2,3)) # parentheses () assign and print object in one step
[1] 1 2 3
length(a) # length = number of elements
[1] 3
typeof(a) # numeric atomic vector, type=double
[1] "double"
str(a) # investigate structure of object
 num [1:3] 1 2 3

Can assign names to vector elements, creating a named atomic vector

(b <- c(v1=1,v2=2,v3=3))
v1 v2 v3 
 1  2  3 
[1] 3
[1] "double"
 Named num [1:3] 1 2 3
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "v1" "v2" "v3"

2.1.2 Lists

  • Like atomic vectors, lists are objects that contain elements
  • However, data type can differ across elements within a list
    • E.g., an element of a list can be another list
list_a <- list(1,2,"apple")
[1] "list"
[1] 3
List of 3
 $ : num 1
 $ : num 2
 $ : chr "apple"
list_b <- list(1, c("apple", "orange"), list(1, 2))
[1] 3
List of 3
 $ : num 1
 $ : chr [1:2] "apple" "orange"
 $ :List of 2
  ..$ : num 1
  ..$ : num 2

Like atomic vectors, elements within a list can be named, thereby creating a named list

# not named
List of 3
 $ : num 1
 $ : chr [1:2] "apple" "orange"
 $ :List of 2
  ..$ : num 1
  ..$ : num 2
# named
list_c <- list(v1=1, v2=c("apple", "orange"), v3=list(1, 2, 3))
List of 3
 $ v1: num 1
 $ v2: chr [1:2] "apple" "orange"
 $ v3:List of 3
  ..$ : num 1
  ..$ : num 2
  ..$ : num 3

2.1.3 Data frames

A data frame is a list with the following characteristics:

  • All the elements must be vectors with the same length
  • Data frames are augmented lists because they have additional attributes
# a regular list
(list_d <- list(col_a = c(1,2,3), col_b = c(4,5,6), col_c = c(7,8,9)))
[1] 1 2 3

[1] 4 5 6

[1] 7 8 9
[1] "list"
[1] "col_a" "col_b" "col_c"
# a data frame
(df_a <- data.frame(col_a = c(1,2,3), col_b = c(4,5,6), col_c = c(7,8,9)))
  col_a col_b col_c
1     1     4     7
2     2     5     8
3     3     6     9
[1] "list"
[1] "col_a" "col_b" "col_c"

[1] "data.frame"

[1] 1 2 3

2.2 Converting between types

Functions for converting between types:

  • as.logical(): Convert to logical
  • as.numeric(): Convert to numeric
  • as.integer(): Convert to integer
  • as.character(): Convert to character
  • as.list(): Convert to list
  • Convert to data.frame

Before converting between vectors types, it is important to know that the most complex type always wins.

typeof(c(TRUE, 3L))
[1] "integer"
#> [1] "integer"
typeof(c(2L, 4.5))
[1] "double"
#> [1] "double"
typeof(c(2.5, "j"))
[1] "character"
#> [1] "character"

Credit: R for Data Science, section on Coercion

Convert to logical using as.logical()

Character vector coerced to logical vector:

# Only "TRUE"/"FALSE", "True"/"False", "T"/"F", "true"/"false" are able to be coerced to logical type
as.logical(c("TRUE", "FALSE", "True", "False", "true", "false", "T", "F", "t", "f", ""))

Numeric vector coerced to logical vector:

# 0 is treated as FALSE, while all other numeric values are treated as TRUE
as.logical(c(0, 0.0, 1, -1, 20, 5.5))

Convert to numeric using as.numeric()

Logical vector coerced to numeric vector:

# FALSE is mapped to 0 and TRUE is mapped to 1
as.numeric(c(FALSE, TRUE))
[1] 0 1

Character vector coerced to numeric vector:

# Strings containing numeric values can be coerced to numeric (leading 0's are dropped) 
# All other characters become NA
as.numeric(c("0", "007", "2.5", "abc", "."))
[1] 0.0 7.0 2.5  NA  NA

Convert to integer using as.integer()

Logical vector coerced to integer vector:

# FALSE is mapped to 0 and TRUE is mapped to 1
as.integer(c(FALSE, TRUE))
[1] 0 1

Character vector coerced to integer vector:

# Strings containing numeric values can be coerced to integer (leading 0's are dropped, decimals are truncated) 
# All other characters become NA
as.integer(c("0", "007", "2.5", "abc", "."))
[1]  0  7  2 NA NA

Numeric vector coerced to integer vector:

# All decimal places are truncated
as.integer(c(0, 2.1, 10.5, 8.8, -1.8))
[1]  0  2 10  8 -1

Convert to character using as.character()

Logical vector coerced to character vector:

as.character(c(FALSE, TRUE))
[1] "FALSE" "TRUE" 

Numeric vector coerced to character vector:

as.character(c(-5, 0, 2.5))
[1] "-5"  "0"   "2.5"

Integer vector coerced to character vector:

as.character(c(-2L, 0L, 10L))
[1] "-2" "0"  "10"

Convert to list using as.list()

Atomic vectors coerced to list:

# Logical vector
as.list(c(TRUE, FALSE))
[1] TRUE

# Character vector
as.list(c("a", "b", "c"))
[1] "a"

[1] "b"

[1] "c"
# Numeric vector
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

Convert to data.frame using

Lists coerced to dataframe:

# Create a list
l <- list(A = c("x", "y", "z"), B = c(1, 2, 3))
List of 2
 $ A: chr [1:3] "x" "y" "z"
 $ B: num [1:3] 1 2 3
# Convert to class `data.frame`
df <-, stringsAsFactors = F)
'data.frame':   3 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ A: chr  "x" "y" "z"
 $ B: num  1 2 3
Example: Practical example of converting type

When working with data, it may be helpful to label values for certain variables. Data files often come with a code book that defines how values are coded. Let’s look at an example of labeling values and how converting data type may come into play.

We’ll look at the FIPS variable from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data. The state FIPS code is a numeric code that identifies a state. For example, 1 is the FIPS code for Alabama, 2 is the FIPS code for Alaska, etc. We’ll want to label each numeric value in the FIPS column with the corresponding state name.

# Library for labeling variables and values in a dataframe

# Read in IPEDS data and codebook
ipeds_df <- read.csv('', header = TRUE, na.strings=c('', 'NA'), stringsAsFactors = F)
ipeds_values <- read.csv('', header = TRUE, na.strings=c('', 'NA'), stringsAsFactors = F)

# The codebook defines how variables are coded, such as STABBR, FIPS, and other variables
  varnumber varname codevalue valuelabel frequency percent
1     10016  STABBR        AL    Alabama        95    1.33
2     10016  STABBR        AK     Alaska        10    0.14
3     10016  STABBR        AZ    Arizona       137    1.92
4     10016  STABBR        AR   Arkansas        86    1.20
5     10016  STABBR        CA California       729   10.19
6     10016  STABBR        CO   Colorado       118    1.65
# Filter codebook for just the values for the FIPS variable
fips_values <- ipeds_values %>% filter(varname == 'FIPS') %>% select(varname, codevalue, valuelabel)
  varname codevalue valuelabel
1    FIPS         1    Alabama
2    FIPS         2     Alaska
3    FIPS         4    Arizona
4    FIPS         5   Arkansas
5    FIPS         6 California
6    FIPS         8   Colorado

When we read in the data from the CSV files, R automatically tries to determine the data type of each variable. As seen below, the FIPS column from the ipeds_df that we want to label is of type integer, while the codevalue column from the codebook is of type character (since not all values are numeric):

# Type of `FIPS` column
 int [1:7153] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
# Type of `codevalue` column
 chr [1:59] "1" "2" "4" "5" "6" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "15" "16" "17" ...

This discrepancy becomes a problem when we try to label the value using the labelled library:

# Error: `x` and `labels` must be same type
val_label(ipeds_df$FIPS, fips_values[1, 'codevalue']) <- fips_values[1, 'valuelabel']

To resolve this, we can use as.integer() to convert the codevalue from character type to integer before trying to label the value:

# This now works
val_label(ipeds_df$FIPS, as.integer(fips_values[1, 'codevalue'])) <- fips_values[1, 'valuelabel']

# Check value labels
# We can use as.integer() to convert the entire vector (ie. codevalue column) to integer
fips_values$codevalue <- as.integer(fips_values$codevalue)

# Type of `codevalue` column
 int [1:59] 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 ...
# Use loop to label the rest of the values
for (i in 1:nrow(fips_values)) {
  val_label(ipeds_df$FIPS, fips_values[i, 'codevalue']) <- fips_values[i, 'valuelabel']

# Check value labels
                       Alabama                         Alaska 
                             1                              2 
                       Arizona                       Arkansas 
                             4                              5 
                    California                       Colorado 
                             6                              8 
                   Connecticut                       Delaware 
                             9                             10 
          District of Columbia                        Florida 
                            11                             12 
                       Georgia                         Hawaii 
                            13                             15 
                         Idaho                       Illinois 
                            16                             17 
                       Indiana                           Iowa 
                            18                             19 
                        Kansas                       Kentucky 
                            20                             21 
                     Louisiana                          Maine 
                            22                             23 
                      Maryland                  Massachusetts 
                            24                             25 
                      Michigan                      Minnesota 
                            26                             27 
                   Mississippi                       Missouri 
                            28                             29 
                       Montana                       Nebraska 
                            30                             31 
                        Nevada                  New Hampshire 
                            32                             33 
                    New Jersey                     New Mexico 
                            34                             35 
                      New York                 North Carolina 
                            36                             37 
                  North Dakota                           Ohio 
                            38                             39 
                      Oklahoma                         Oregon 
                            40                             41 
                  Pennsylvania                   Rhode Island 
                            42                             44 
                South Carolina                   South Dakota 
                            45                             46 
                     Tennessee                          Texas 
                            47                             48 
                          Utah                        Vermont 
                            49                             50 
                      Virginia                     Washington 
                            51                             53 
                 West Virginia                      Wisconsin 
                            54                             55 
                       Wyoming                 American Samoa 
                            56                             60 
Federated States of Micronesia                           Guam 
                            64                             66 
              Marshall Islands              Northern Marianas 
                            68                             69 
                         Palau                    Puerto Rico 
                            70                             72 
                Virgin Islands 

2.3 Atomic vectors versus augmented vectors

Atomic vectors [our focus so far]

  • I think of atomic vectors as “just the data”
  • Atomic vectors are the building blocks for augmented vectors

Augmented vectors

  • Augmented vectors are atomic vectors with additional attributes attached


  • Attributes are additional “metadata” that can be attached to any object (e.g., vector or list)

Example: Variables of a dataset

  • A data frame is a list
  • Each element in the list is a variable, which consists of:
    • Atomic vector (“just the data”)
    • Any attributes we want to attach to each element/variable
  • Variable name, an attribute of the data frame object

Other examples of attributes in R

  • Value labels: Character labels (e.g., “Charter School”) attached to numeric values
  • Object class: Specifies how object is treated by object oriented programming language

Main takeaway:

  • Augmented vectors are atomic vectors (just the data) with additional attributes attached

2.4 Attributes and functions to identify/modify attributes

Description of attributes from Grolemund and Wickham 20.6

  • “Any vector can contain arbitrary additional metadata through its attributes
  • “You can think of attributes as named list of vectors that can be attached to any object”

Functions to identify and modify attributes

  • attributes() function to describe all attributes of an object
  • attr() to see individual attribute of an object or set/change an individual attribute of an object

2.4.1 Describe all attributes of an object

# pull up help file for the attributes() function

Attributes of a named atomic vector:

# create named atomic vector
(vector1 <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4))
a b c d 
1 2 3 4 
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
attributes(vector1) %>% str() # a named list of vectors!
List of 1
 $ names: chr [1:4] "a" "b" "c" "d"
# remove all attributes from the object
attributes(vector1) <- NULL
[1] 1 2 3 4

2.4.2 Attributes of a variable in a data frame

Accessing variable using [[]] subset operator

  • Recall object_name[["element_name"]] accesses contents of the element
  • If object is a data frame, df_name[["var_name"]] accesses contents of variable
    • For simple vars like firstgen, syntax yields an atomic vector (“just the data”)
  • Shorthand syntax for df_name[["var_name"]] is df_name$var_name
 chr [1:268396] NA "N" "N" "N" NA "N" "N" "Y" "Y" "N" "N" "N" "N" "N" "N" ...
str(wwlist$firstgen) # same same
 chr [1:268396] NA "N" "N" "N" NA "N" "N" "Y" "Y" "N" "N" "N" "N" "N" "N" ...

Accessing variable using [] subset operator

  • object_name["element_name"] creates object of same type as object_name
  • If object is a data frame, df_name["var_name"] returns a data frame containing just the var_name column

2.4.3 Attributes of lists and data frames

Attributes of a named list:

list2 <- list(col_a = c(1,2,3), col_b = c(4,5,6))
List of 2
 $ col_a: num [1:3] 1 2 3
 $ col_b: num [1:3] 4 5 6
[1] "col_a" "col_b"

Note that the names attribute is an attribute of the list, not an attribute of the elements within the list (which are atomic vectors)

list2[['col_a']] # the element named 'col_a'
[1] 1 2 3
str(list2[['col_a']]) # structure of the element named 'col_a'
 num [1:3] 1 2 3
attributes(list2[['col_a']]) # attributes of element named 'col_a'

Attributes of a data frame:

list3 <- data.frame(col_a = c(1,2,3), col_b = c(4,5,6))
'data.frame':   3 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ col_a: num  1 2 3
 $ col_b: num  4 5 6
[1] "col_a" "col_b"

[1] "data.frame"

[1] 1 2 3

Note: attributes names, class and row.names are attributes of the data frame

  • they are not attributes of the elements (variables) within the data frame, which are atomic vectors (i.e., just the data)
str(list3[['col_a']]) # structure of the element named 'col_a'
 num [1:3] 1 2 3
attributes(list3[['col_a']]) # attributes of element named 'col_a'

2.4.4 attr() function to get or set specific attributes of an object


  • Get: attr(x, which, exact = FALSE)
  • Set: attr(x, which) <- value


  • x: an object whose attributes are to be accessed
  • which: a non-empty character string specifying which attribute is to be accessed
  • exact (logical): should which be matched exactly? default is exact = FALSE
  • value: an object, new value of attribute, or NULL to remove attribute

Using attr() to get specific attribute of an object

vector1 <- c(a = 1, b= 2, c= 3, d = 4)
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
attr(x=vector1, which = "names", exact = FALSE)
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
attr(vector1, "names")
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
attr(vector1, "name") # we don't provide exact name of attribute
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
attr(vector1, "name", exact = TRUE) # don't provide exact name of attribute

Using attr() to set specific attribute of an object (output omitted)

(vector1 <- c(a = 1, b= 2, c= 3, d = 4))
attributes(vector1) # see all attributes

attr(x=vector1, which = "greeting") <- "Hi!" # create new attribute
attr(x=vector1, which = "greeting") # see attribute

attr(vector1, "farewell") <- "Bye!" # create attribute

attr(x=vector1, which = "names") # see names attribute
attr(x=vector1, which = "names") <- NULL # delete names attribute

attributes(vector1) # see all attributes

2.4.5 attr() function on data frames

Using wwlist, create data frame with three variables

wwlist_small <- wwlist[1:25, ] %>% select(hs_state,firstgen,med_inc_zip)
attributes(wwlist_small) %>% str()

Get/set attribute of a data frame

#get/examine names attribute
attr(x=wwlist_small, which = "names") 
str(attr(x=wwlist_small, which = "names")) # names attribute is character atomic vector, length=3
#add new attribute to data frame
attr(x=wwlist_small, which = "new_attribute") <- "contents of new attribute"

Get/set attribute of a variable in data frame

#create attribute for variable med_inc_zip
attr(wwlist_small$med_inc_zip, "inc attribute") <- "inc attribute contents"
#investigate attribute for variable med_inc_zip
attr(wwlist_small$med_inc_zip, "inc attribute")

2.4.6 Why add attributes to data frame or variables of data frame?

Pedagogical reasons

  • Important to know how you can apply attributes() and attr() to data frames and to variables within data frames

Example practical application: interactive dashboards

  • When creating “dashboard” you might want to add “tooltips”
    • “Tooltip” is a message that appears when cursor is positioned over an icon
    • The text in the tooltip is the contents of an attribute
  • Example dashboard: LINK

2.4.7 Student exercise

  1. Using wwlist, create data frame of 30 observations with three variables: state, zip5, pop_total_zip

  2. Return all attributes of this new data frame using attributes(). Then, get the names attribute of the data frame using attr().

  3. Add a new attribute to the data frame called attribute_data whose content is "new attribute of data". Then, return all attributes of the data frame as well as get the value of the newly created attribute_data.

  4. Return the attributes of the variable pop_total_zip in the data frame.

  5. Add a new attribute to the variable pop_total_zip called attribute_variable whose content is "new attribute of variable". Then, return all attributes of the variable as well as get the value of the newly created attribute_variable.

Solutions to student exercise
# Part 1
wwlist_exercise <- wwlist[1:30, ] %>% select(state, zip5, pop_total_zip)

# Part 2
attr(x=wwlist_exercise, which = "names") 

# Part 3
attr(x=wwlist_exercise, which = "attribute_data") <- "new attribute of data"

attr(wwlist_exercise, which ="attribute_data")

# Part 4

# Part 5
attr(wwlist_exercise$pop_total_zip, "attribute_variable") <- "new attribute of variable"

attr(wwlist_exercise$pop_total_zip, "attribute_variable")

3 Object class

Every object in R has a class

  • Class is an attribute of an object
  • Object class controls how functions work and defines the rules for how objects can be treated by object oriented programming language
    • E.g., which functions you can apply to object of a particular class
    • E.g., what the function does to one object class, what it does to another object class

You can use the class() function to identify object class:

(vector2 <- c(a = 1, b= 2, c= 3, d = 4))
a b c d 
1 2 3 4 
[1] "double"
[1] "numeric"

When I encounter a new object I often investigate object by applying typeof(), class(), and attributes() functions:

[1] "double"
[1] "numeric"
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"

3.1 Why is object class important?

Specific functions usually work with only particular classes of objects

  • “Date” functions usually only work on objects with a date class
  • “String” functions usually only work on objects with a character class
  • Functions that do mathematical computation usually work on objects with a numeric class

3.1.1 Class and object-oriented programming

R is an object-oriented programming language

Definition of object oriented programming from this LINK

“Object-oriented programming (OOP) refers to a type of computer programming in which programmers define not only the data type of a data structure, but also the types of operations (functions) that can be applied to the data structure.”

Object class is fundamental to object oriented programming because:

  • Object class determines which functions can be applied to the object
  • Object class also determines what those functions do to the object
    • E.g., a specific function might do one thing to objects of class A and another thing to objects of class B
    • What a function does to objects of different class is determined by whoever wrote the function

Many different object classes exist in R

  • You can also create your own classes
    • Example: the labelled class is an object class created by Hadley Wickham when he created the haven package
  • In this course we will work with classes that have been created by others

3.1.2 Functions care about object class, not object type

Example: sum() applies to numeric, logical, or complex class objects

Apply sum() to object with class = logical:

[1] "logical"
[1] "logical"
sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 2

Apply sum() to object with class = numeric:

[1] "double"
[1] "numeric"
[1] 92320.5 63653.0 88344.5 88408.5 82895.0
sum(wwlist$med_inc_zip[1:5], na.rm = TRUE) 
[1] 415621.5

What happens when we try to apply sum() to an object with class = character?

sum(wwlist$hs_city[1:5], na.rm = TRUE) 

Example: year() from lubridate package applies to date-time objects

Apply year() to object with class = Date:

[1] "2016-05-31" "2016-05-31" "2016-05-31" "2016-05-31" "2016-05-31"
[1] "double"
[1] "Date"
[1] 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016

What happens when we try to apply year() to an object with class = numeric?


Example: tolower() applies to character class objects

  • Syntax: tolower(x)
  • x is “a character vector, or an object that can be coerced to character by as.character()

Most string functions are intended to apply to objects with a character class

  • type = character
  • class = character

Apply tolower() to object with class = character:

 chr [1:268396] "Seattle" "Covington" "Everett" "Seattle" "Lake Stevens" ...
[1] "character"
[1] "character"
[1] "Seattle"      "Covington"    "Everett"      "Seattle"      "Lake Stevens"
[6] "Seattle"     
[1] "seattle"      "covington"    "everett"      "seattle"      "lake stevens"
[6] "seattle"     

4 Class == factor

Recoding variable ethn_code from data frame wwlist

Let’s first recode the ethn_code variable:

wwlist <- wwlist %>%  
  mutate(ethn_code = 
      "american indian or alaska native" = "nativeam",
      "asian or native hawaiian or other pacific islander" = "api",
      "black or african american" = "black",
      "cuban" = "latinx",
      "mexican/mexican american" = "latinx",
      "not reported" = "not_reported",
      "other-2 or more" = "multirace",
      "other spanish/hispanic" = "latinx",
      "puerto rican" = "latinx",
      "white" = "white"          

wwlist %>% count(ethn_code)

4.1 Factors

Factors are an object class used to display categorical data (e.g., marital status)

  • A factor is an augmented vector built by attaching a levels attribute to an (atomic) integer vectors

Usually, we would prefer a categorical variable (e.g., race, school type) to be a factor variable rather than a character variable

  • So far in the course I have made all categorical variables character variables because we have not introduced factors yet

Create factor version of character variable ethn_code using base R factor() function:

 chr [1:268396] "multirace" "white" "white" "multirace" "white" "multirace" ...
[1] "character"
# create factor var; tidyverse approach
wwlist <- wwlist %>% mutate(ethn_code_fac = factor(ethn_code)) 
#wwlist$ethn_code_fac <- factor(wwlist$ethn_code) # base r approach

 chr [1:268396] "multirace" "white" "white" "multirace" "white" "multirace" ...
 Factor w/ 7 levels "api","black",..: 4 7 7 4 7 4 4 4 4 7 ...

Character variable ethn_code:

[1] "character"
[1] "character"
 chr [1:268396] "multirace" "white" "white" "multirace" "white" "multirace" ...

Factor variable ethn_code_fac:

[1] "integer"
[1] "factor"
[1] "api"          "black"        "latinx"       "multirace"    "nativeam"    
[6] "not_reported" "white"       

[1] "factor"
 Factor w/ 7 levels "api","black",..: 4 7 7 4 7 4 4 4 4 7 ...

4.2 Working with factor variables

Main things to note about variable ethn_code_fac

  • type = integer
  • class = factor, because the variable has a levels attribute
  • Underlying data are integers, but the values of the levels attribute is what’s displayed:
# Print first few obs of ethn_code_fac
[1] multirace white     white     multirace white    
Levels: api black latinx multirace nativeam not_reported white
# Print count for each category in ethn_code_fac
wwlist %>% count(ethn_code_fac)
# A tibble: 7 × 2
  ethn_code_fac      n
  <fct>          <int>
1 api             2385
2 black            563
3 latinx          9245
4 multirace      90584
5 nativeam         202
6 not_reported    5737
7 white         159680

Apply as.integer() to display underlying integer values of factor the variable

Investigate as.integer() function:

[1] "integer"
[1] "factor"
[1] "integer"
[1] "integer"

Display underlying integer values of variable ethn_code_fac:

wwlist %>% count(as.integer(ethn_code_fac))
# A tibble: 7 × 2
  `as.integer(ethn_code_fac)`      n
                        <int>  <int>
1                           1   2385
2                           2    563
3                           3   9245
4                           4  90584
5                           5    202
6                           6   5737
7                           7 159680

Refer to categories of a factor (e.g., when filtering obs) using values of levels attribute rather than underlying values of variable

  • Values of levels attribute for ethn_code_fac (output omitted)

Example: Count the number of prospects in wwlist who identify as “white”

# referring to variable value; this doesn't work
wwlist %>% filter(ethn_code_fac==7) %>% count() 
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1     0
#referring to value of level attribute; this works
wwlist %>% filter(ethn_code_fac=="white") %>% count()
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 159680

Example: Count the number of prospects in wwlist who identify as “white”

  • To refer to underlying integer values, apply as.integer() function to factor variable
[1] "api"          "black"        "latinx"       "multirace"    "nativeam"    
[6] "not_reported" "white"       

[1] "factor"
wwlist %>% filter(as.integer(ethn_code_fac)==7) %>% count
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 159680

4.3 How to identify the variable values associated with factor levels

Create a factor version of the character variable psat_range

wwlist %>% count(psat_range)
wwlist <- wwlist %>% mutate(psat_range_fac = factor(psat_range))
wwlist %>% count(psat_range_fac)

Investigate values associated with factor levels using levels() and nlevels()

levels(wwlist$psat_range_fac) #starts at 1
nlevels(wwlist$psat_range_fac) #7 levels total
levels(wwlist$psat_range_fac)[1:3] #prints levels 1-3

Once values associated with factor levels are known:

  • Can filter based on underlying integer values using as.integer()
wwlist %>% filter(as.integer(psat_range_fac)==4) %>% count()
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1  8348
  • Or filter based on value of factor levels
wwlist %>% filter(psat_range=="1270-1520") %>% count()
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1  8348

4.3.1 Student exercise working with factors

  1. After running the code below, use typeof(), class(), str(), and attributes() functions to check the new variable receive_year
  2. Create a factor variable from the input variable receive_year and name it receive_year_fac
  3. Run the same functions (typeof(), class(), etc.) from the first question using the new variable you created
  4. Get a count of receive_year_fac. (hint: you could also run this in the console to see values associated with each factor)

Run this code to create a year variable from the input variable receive_date:

# wwlist %>% glimpse()

library(lubridate) # load library if you haven't already
wwlist <- wwlist %>%
  mutate(receive_year = year(receive_date)) # create year variable with lubridate

# Check variable
wwlist %>% 

wwlist %>%
  group_by(receive_year) %>% 
Solutions to student exercise working with factors %>%
  1. After running the code below, use typeof(), class(), str(), and attributes() functions to check the new variable receive_year
[1] "double"
[1] "numeric"
 num [1:268396] 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 ...
  1. Create a factor variable from the input variable receive_year and name it receive_year_fac
# create factor var; tidyverse approach
wwlist <- wwlist %>%
  mutate(receive_year_fac = factor(receive_year))  
  1. Run the same functions (typeof(), class(), etc.) from the first question using the new variable you created
[1] "integer"
[1] "factor"
 Factor w/ 3 levels "2016","2017",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
[1] "2016" "2017" "2018"

[1] "factor"
  1. Get a count of receive_year_fac. (hint: you could also run this in the console to see values associated with each factor)
wwlist %>%
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  receive_year_fac     n
  <fct>            <int>
1 2016             89637
2 2017             89816
3 2018             88943

5 Class == labelled

5.1 Data we will use to introduce labelled class

High school longitudinal surveys from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

  • Follow U.S. students from high school through college, labor market

We will be working with High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09)

  • Follows 9th graders from 2009
  • Data collection waves
    • Base Year (2009)
    • First Follow-up (2012)
    • 2013 Update (2013)
    • High School Transcripts (2013-2014)
    • Second Follow-up (2016)

5.2 Using haven package to read SAS/SPSS/Stata datasets into R

haven, which is part of tidyverse, “enables R to read and write various data formats” from the following statistical packages:

  • SAS
  • SPSS
  • Stata

If you haven’t installed haven run the following code in your console.

  • Generic syntax: install.packages("package_name")
  • Install “haven”: install.packages("haven")

Make sure to load haven (e.g., library(haven))

When using haven to read data, resulting R objects have these characteristics:

  • Data frames are tibbles, Tidyverse’s preferred class of data frames
  • Transform variables with “value labels” into the labelled() class
    • labelled is an object class, just like factor is an object class
    • labelled is an object class created by folks who created haven package
    • labelled and factor classes are both viable alternatives for categorical variables
    • Helpful description of labelled class HERE
  • Dates and times converted to R date/time classes
  • Character vectors not converted to factors

Use read_dta() function from haven package to import Stata dataset into R

hsls <- read_dta(file="")

Must run this code chunk; permanently changes uppercase variable names to lowercase

names(hsls) <- tolower(names(hsls)) # convert names to lowercase
names(hsls) # names now lowercase

str(hsls) # ugh

Investigate variable s3classes from data frame hsls

  • Identifies whether respondent taking postsecondary classes as of 11/1/2013

Investigate attributes of s3classes

attributes(hsls$s3classes) # all attributes

#specific attributes: using syntax: attr(x, which, exact = FALSE)
attr(x=hsls$s3classes, which = "label") # label attribute
attr(x=hsls$s3classes, which = "labels") # labels attribute

5.3 What is object class = labelled?

Variable labels are labels attached to a specific variable (e.g., marital status) Value labels [in Stata] are labels attached to specific values of a variable, e.g.:

  • Var value 1 attached to value label “married”, 2=“single”, 3=“divorced”

labelled is object class for importing vars with value labels from SAS/SPSS/Stata

  • labelled object class created by haven package
  • Characteristics of variables in R data frame with class==labelled:
    • Data type can be numeric(double) or character
    • To see value labels associated with each value:
      • attr(df_name$var_name,"labels")
      • E.g., attr(hsls$s3classes,"labels")

Investigate the attributes of hsls$s3classes


Use attr(object_name,"attribute_name") to refer to each attribute


5.4 labelled package

Purpose of the labelled package is to work with data imported from SPSS/Stata/SAS using the haven package

  • labelled package contains functions to work with objects that have labelled class
  • From package documentation:
    • “purpose of the labelled package is to provide functions to manipulate metadata as variable labels, value labels and defined missing values using the labelled class and the label attribute introduced in haven package.”
  • More info on the labelled package: LINK

Functions in labelled package

5.5 Get variable and value labels

Get variable labels using var_label()

hsls %>% select(s3classes) %>% var_label()
[1] "S3 B01A Taking postsecondary classes as of Nov 1 2013"

Get value labels using val_labels()

hsls %>% select(s3classes) %>% val_labels()
                           Unit non-response 
                     Item legitimate skip/NA 
                    Component not applicable 
Item not administered: abbreviated interview 
                                  Don't know 

5.6 Working with labelled class data

Create frequency tables with labelled class variables using count()

  • when running individual code chunks, default setting is to show variable values not value labels
hsls %>% count(s3classes)
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  s3classes                  n
  <dbl+lbl>              <int>
1 -9 [Missing]              59
2 -8 [Unit non-response]  4945
3  1 [Yes]               13477
4  2 [No]                 3401
5  3 [Don't know]         1621

when running individual code chunks, to make frequency table show value labels add %>% as_factor() to pipe

  • as_factor() is function from haven that converts an object to a factor
hsls %>% count(s3classes) %>% as_factor()
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  s3classes             n
  <fct>             <int>
1 Missing              59
2 Unit non-response  4945
3 Yes               13477
4 No                 3401
5 Don't know         1621

To isolate values of labelled class variables in filter() function:

  • Refer to variable value, not the value label


  • How many observations in var s3classes associated with “Unit non-response”
  • How many observations in var s3classes associated with “Yes”

General steps to follow:

  1. Investigate object
  2. Use filter() to isolate desired observations

Investigate object

hsls %>% select(s3classes) %>% var_label() #show variable label
hsls %>% select(s3classes) %>% val_labels() #show value label

hsls %>% count(s3classes) # freq table, values
hsls %>% count(s3classes) %>% as_factor() # freq table, value labels

Filter specific values

hsls %>% filter(s3classes==-8) %>% count() # -8 = unit non-response
hsls %>% filter(s3classes==1) %>% count() # 1 = yes

5.7 Set variable and value labels

Set variable labels using var_label() or set_variable_labels()

# Set one variable label
var_label(df_name$var_name) <- 'variable label'

# Set multiple variable labels
df_name <- df_name %>%
    var_name_1 = 'variable label 1',
    var_name_2 = 'variable label 2',
    var_name_3 = 'variable label 3'

Set value labels using val_label() or set_value_labels()

# Set one value label
val_label(df_name$var_name, 'variable_value') <- 'value_label'

# Set multiple value labels
df_name <- df_name %>%
    var_name_1 = c('value_label_1' = 'variable_value_1',
                   'value_label_2' = 'variable_value_2',
    var_name_2 = c('value_label_3' = 'variable_value_3',
                   'value_label_4' = 'variable_value_4')

5.7.1 Create example data frame

df <- tribble(
  ~id, ~edu, ~sch,
  1, 2, 2,
  2, 1, 1,
  3, 3, 2,
  4, 4, 2,
  5, 1, 2
# A tibble: 5 × 3
     id   edu   sch
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2     2
2     2     1     1
3     3     3     2
4     4     4     2
5     5     1     2
tibble [5 × 3] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ id : num [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5
 $ edu: num [1:5] 2 1 3 4 1
 $ sch: num [1:5] 2 1 2 2 2

5.7.2 Set variable labels

Use set_variable_labels() or var_label() to manually set variable labels

 num [1:5] 2 1 2 2 2
# Using set_variable_labels()
df <- df %>%
    id = "Unique identification number",
    edu = "Education level"

# Using var_label()
var_label(df$sch) <- 'Type of school attending'

 num [1:5] 2 1 2 2 2
 - attr(*, "label")= chr "Type of school attending"
[1] "Type of school attending"

5.7.3 Set value labels

Use set_value_labels() or val_label() to manually set value labels

# Using set_value_labels()
df <- df %>%
    edu = c('High School' = 1,
            'AA degree' = 2,
            'BA degree' = 3,
            'MA or higher' = 4),
    sch = c('Private' = 1))

# Using val_label()
val_label(df$sch, 2) <- 'Public'

 dbl+lbl [1:5] 2, 1, 2, 2, 2
 @ labels: Named num [1:2] 1 2
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "Private" "Public"
 @ label : chr "Type of school attending"
Private  Public 
      1       2 

5.7.4 View the set variable and value labels

# View variable and value labels using attributes()
Private  Public 
      1       2 

[1] "Type of school attending"

[1] "haven_labelled" "vctrs_vctr"     "double"        
# View variable label
[1] "Type of school attending"
attr(df$sch, 'label')
[1] "Type of school attending"
# View value labels
Private  Public 
      1       2 
attr(df$sch, 'labels')
Private  Public 
      1       2 

5.7.5 labelled student exercise

  1. Get variable and value labels of the variable s3hs in the hsls data frame
  2. Get a count of the variable s3hs showing the values and the value labels (hint: use as_factor())
  3. Get a count of the rows whose value for s3hs is associated with “Missing” (hint: use filter())
  4. Get a count of the rows whose value for s3hs is associated with “Missing” or “Unit non-response”
  5. Add variable label for pop_asian_zip & pop_asian_state in data frame wwlist
  6. Add value labels for ethn_code in data frame wwlist
labelled student exercise solutions
  1. Get variable and value labels of the variable s3hs in the hsls data frame
hsls %>% 
  select(s3hs) %>% 
[1] "S3 B01F Attending high school or homeschool as of Nov 1 2013"
hsls %>% 
  select(s3hs) %>% 
                           Unit non-response 
                     Item legitimate skip/NA 
                    Component not applicable 
Item not administered: abbreviated interview 
                                  Don't know 
  1. Get a count of the variable s3hs showing the values and the value labels (hint: use as_factor())
hsls %>% 
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  s3hs                             n
  <dbl+lbl>                    <int>
1 -9 [Missing]                    22
2 -8 [Unit non-response]        4945
3 -7 [Item legitimate skip/NA] 16770
4  1 [Yes]                       624
5  2 [No]                        985
6  3 [Don't know]                157
hsls %>% 
  count(s3hs) %>% 
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  s3hs                        n
  <fct>                   <int>
1 Missing                    22
2 Unit non-response        4945
3 Item legitimate skip/NA 16770
4 Yes                       624
5 No                        985
6 Don't know                157
  1. Get a count of the rows whose value for s3hs is associated with “Missing” (hint: use filter())
hsls %>%
  filter(s3hs== -9) %>% 
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1    22
  1. Get a count of the rows whose value for s3hs is associated with “Missing” or “Unit non-response”
hsls %>%
  filter(s3hs== -9 | s3hs== -8) %>% 
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1  4967
  1. Add variable label for pop_asian_zip & pop_asian_state in data frame wwlist
# variable labels
wwlist %>% select(pop_asian_zip, pop_asian_state) %>% var_label()

# set variable labels
wwlist <- wwlist %>% 
    pop_asian_zip = "total asian population in zip",
    pop_asian_state ="total asian population in state"

# attribute of variable
[1] "total asian population in zip"
[1] "total asian population in state"
  1. Add value labels for ethn_code in data frame wwlist
# count
wwlist %>% count(ethn_code)

# value labels
wwlist %>% select(ethn_code) %>% val_labels

# set value labels to ethn_code variable
wwlist <- wwlist %>% 
    ethn_code = c("asian or native hawaiian or other pacific islander" = "api",
                  "black or african american" = "black",
                  "cuban or mexican/mexican american or other spanish/hispanic or puerto rican" = "latinx",
                  "other-2 or more" = "multirace",
                  "american indian or alaska native" = "nativeam",
                  "not reported" = "not_reported",
                  "white" = "white"

6 Comparing class labelled to class factor

class==labelled class==factor
data type numeric or character integer
name of value label attribute labels levels
refer to data using variable values levels attribute

So should you work with class==labelled or class==factor?

  • No right or wrong answer; this is a subjective decision
  • Personally, I prefer factor class
    • Easier to run analysis (see section below)
  • labelled class
    • Feels more suited to working with survey data variables, where there are usually several different values that represent different kinds of “missing” values.
  • You can use both! We recommend using labelled variables, particularly for exploratory data analysis, and factor variables for analysis when using categorical variables.

6.0.1 Why factor variables are essential for analysis

When running analyses using categorical variables (e.g., marital status: single, married, divorced, etc.), it is best practice to use class == factor over class == labelled.

To demonstrate a quick example, let’s load data from ELS. We will use this data set later in the graphing and ggplot lecture, so don’t worry about understanding it now.

Say we are interested in the relationship between having an internship or co-op job (X) (in 2005-2006) on subsequent earnings (Y) (in 2011) after controlling for standardized reading test score (as a measure for high school achievement), sex, and race/ethnicity.

  • We have two linear models below, the first using variables that are class labelled and the second using variables that are class factor.

Linear model lm() model using categorical variables of class labelled

[1] "F1 sex-composite"

[1] "%8.0g"

[1] "haven_labelled" "vctrs_vctr"     "double"        

  Male Female 
     1      2 
 white    api  black latinx native  multi 
     1      2      3      4      5      6 

[1] "haven_labelled" "vctrs_vctr"     "double"        

[1] "categorical measure of race based on variable f1race"
intern_mod1 <- lm(formula = f3ern2011 ~ f2intern0506 + bytxrstd + f1sex + f1race_v2, data = df_els_stu_allobs %>% filter(f2enroll0506==1))


lm(formula = f3ern2011 ~ f2intern0506 + bytxrstd + f1sex + f1race_v2, 
    data = df_els_stu_allobs %>% filter(f2enroll0506 == 1))

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-37135 -18595  -2783  12020 231894 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  20479.35    1607.58  12.739  < 2e-16 ***
f2intern0506  5580.01    1059.32   5.268 1.41e-07 ***
bytxrstd       261.16      23.86  10.945  < 2e-16 ***
f1sex        -4104.21     515.28  -7.965 1.85e-15 ***
f1race_v2    -1275.57     189.17  -6.743 1.64e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 24760 on 9317 degrees of freedom
  (21 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.02949,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.02908 
F-statistic: 70.78 on 4 and 9317 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Linear model lm() model using categorical variables of class factor

[1] "Male"   "Female"

[1] "factor"

[1] "F1 sex-composite"
[1] "white"  "api"    "black"  "latinx" "native" "multi" 

[1] "factor"

[1] "categorical measure of race based on variable f1race"
intern_mod2 <- lm(formula = f3ern2011 ~ f2intern0506 + bytxrstd + f1sex + f1race_v2, data = df_els_stu_allobs_fac %>% filter(f2enroll0506=="yes"))


lm(formula = f3ern2011 ~ f2intern0506 + bytxrstd + f1sex + f1race_v2, 
    data = df_els_stu_allobs_fac %>% filter(f2enroll0506 == "yes"))

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-37282 -18246  -2868  12045 228779 

                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)      16503.51    1414.69  11.666  < 2e-16 ***
f2intern0506yes   5616.95    1059.04   5.304 1.16e-07 ***
bytxrstd           240.60      24.38   9.869  < 2e-16 ***
f1sexFemale      -4055.06     515.10  -7.872 3.87e-15 ***
f1race_v2api     -1784.73     817.78  -2.182  0.02910 *  
f1race_v2black   -5113.41     859.37  -5.950 2.78e-09 ***
f1race_v2latinx  -4768.47     838.71  -5.685 1.34e-08 ***
f1race_v2native -10149.40    3591.46  -2.826  0.00472 ** 
f1race_v2multi   -3206.89    1279.05  -2.507  0.01218 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 24740 on 9313 degrees of freedom
  (21 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.03148,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.03065 
F-statistic: 37.84 on 8 and 9313 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Why does this matter?

Notice that for the linear model intern_mod1, the coefficients for categorical variables sex and race are grouped together, whereas in the second linear model intern_mod2, using class factor variables, coefficients are calculated separately by “category” (e.g., female, male, black, white, Asian, etc.).

6.1 Converting class==labelled to class==factor

The as_factor() function from haven package converts variables with class==labelled to class==factor

  • Can be used for descriptive statistics
hsls %>% select(s3classes) %>% count(s3classes)
hsls %>% select(s3classes) %>% count(s3classes) %>% as_factor()
  • Can create object with some or all labelled vars converted to factor
hsls_f <- as_factor(hsls, only_labelled = TRUE)

Let’s examine this object

hsls_f %>% select(s3classes,s3clglvl) %>% str()

hsls_f %>% select(s3classes) %>% var_label()
hsls_f %>% select(s3classes) %>% val_labels()

6.2 Working with class==factor data

Showing factor levels associated with a factor variable

hsls_f %>% count(s3classes)
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  s3classes             n
  <fct>             <int>
1 Missing              59
2 Unit non-response  4945
3 Yes               13477
4 No                 3401
5 Don't know         1621

Showing variable values associated with a factor variable

hsls_f %>% count(as.integer(s3classes))
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  `as.integer(s3classes)`     n
                    <int> <int>
1                       1    59
2                       2  4945
3                       6 13477
4                       7  3401
5                       8  1621

When sub-setting observations (e.g., filtering), refer to the level attribute, not the underlying variable integer value.

hsls_f %>% filter(s3classes=="Yes") %>% count(s3classes)
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  s3classes     n
  <fct>     <int>
1 Yes       13477

7 Appendix: Creating factor variables

7.1 Create factors [from string variables]

To create a factor variable from string variable:

  1. Create a character vector containing underlying data
  2. Create a vector containing valid levels
  3. Attach levels to the data using the factor() function
# Underlying data: months my fam is born
x1 <- c("Jan", "Aug", "Apr", "Mar")
# Create vector with valid levels
month_levels <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", 
  "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
# Attach levels to data
x2 <- factor(x1, levels = month_levels)

Note how attributes differ:

 chr [1:4] "Jan" "Aug" "Apr" "Mar"
 Factor w/ 12 levels "Jan","Feb","Mar",..: 1 8 4 3

Sorting also differs:

[1] "Apr" "Aug" "Jan" "Mar"
[1] Jan Mar Apr Aug
Levels: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Let’s create a character version of variable hs_state and then turn it into a factor:

#wwlist %>%
#  count(hs_state)
# Subset obs to West Coast states 
wwlist_temp <- wwlist %>%
  filter(hs_state %in% c("CA", "OR", "WA"))

# Create character version of high school state for West Coast states only
wwlist_temp$hs_state_char <- as.character(wwlist_temp$hs_state)

# Investigate character variable

# Create new variable that assigns levels
wwlist_temp$hs_state_fac <- factor(wwlist_temp$hs_state_char, levels = c("CA","OR","WA"))

#wwlist_temp %>%
#  count(hs_state_fac)

How the levels argument works when underlying data is character:

  • Matches value of underlying data to value of the level attribute
  • Converts underlying data to integer, with level attribute attached

See Chapter 15 of Wickham for more on factors (e.g., modifying factor order, modifying factor levels)

7.2 Creating factors [from integer vectors]

Factors are just integer vectors with level attributes attached to them. So, to create a factor:

  1. Create a vector for the underlying data
  2. Create a vector that has level attributes
  3. Attach levels to the data using the factor() function
a1 <- c(1,1,1,0,1,1,0) # A vector of data
a2 <- c("zero","one") # A vector of labels

# Attach labels to values
a3 <- factor(a1, labels = a2)
[1] one  one  one  zero one  one  zero
Levels: zero one
 Factor w/ 2 levels "zero","one": 2 2 2 1 2 2 1

Note: By default, factor() function attached “zero” to the lowest value of vector a1 because “zero” was the first element of vector a2

Let’s turn an integer variable into a factor variable in the wwlist data frame

Create integer version of receive_year:

wwlist$receive_year_int <- as.integer(wwlist$receive_year)
 int [1:268396] 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 ...
[1] "integer"

Assign levels to values of integer variable:

wwlist$receive_year_fac <- factor(wwlist$receive_year_int, 

#Check variable
wwlist %>%

wwlist %>%